Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Orthopedic Surgery coming to a close

It is the middle of the last week of Block 6, and I have to admit I am a little sad. I have truly enjoyed orthopedic surgery about 50 times more than I thought I would. I am still a little intimidated by TPLO/TTA surgeries and pre-surgical measurements, but I have loved fracture fixation techniques. Tomorrow I will see possibly my last case on the block for a problem with the dog's jaw. While my orthopedic exam still has a ways to go, I have much improved over the block. Each day I enjoyed interacting with clients, their pets, and watching them regain use of their bones/limbs. Today I saw arthroscopic shoulder surgery that was amazing and a carpal arthrodesis. Tomorrow I will give my presentation on physical rehabilitation of animals.

The slower pace of the service has helped me enjoy the block, and I have not taken that for granted. I have fit many nap times into my schedule somehow, and last weekend I had most of the weekend completely off. That left me time to sleep in on Sunday, canoe the New River, and play with my fabulous pup.

My next 3 week romp will be with ophthamology and the amazing Dr. Pickett. I am excited for that busy service as well. I certainly started enjoying 4th year in the VTH this block and I hope my enjoyment continues. The NAVLE exam is 2 months away and I need to start spending more time studying on the weekends. Speaking of which it is time to get started with an evening session...

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