Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mid-Summer Evaluation

I am still struggling with balancing my life with my NIH position. The pilot study has gotten underway and I find I have not time to even enter and evaluate the data. I feel like I race around the NIH campus just to make a meeting or to store samples, etc. While it is a good experience and a resume booster, it is not enough time learning about what a lab animal vet does and too much time watching mice behaviors and pressing on their rear for fecal samples. I don't see how my poster will be done in a month either since my sponsor is on vacation for most of July.

Meanwhile my Saturday shift at the Hope Center has been very rewarding. I intubated my first cats last night (it is much harder than a dog), got some catheters in and really felt like I made a difference. One of the new doctors is a senior from VT that just graduated in May and it was funny how I helped him with a blocked cat. It made me feel more at ease that starting out is a challenge for all vets and perhaps I have some advantage because of my experience at the Hope Center.

Matt and I went to the Outer Backs and VA Beach last weekend and it was absolutely beautiful. Many wildlife refuges, lovely beaches, great seafood and not enough time to see it all. I would have loved a whole week there and we are toying with the idea of returning at the end of the summer.

In my not so spare time I am trying to have a social life and work on my resume and externship ideas. I saw a wonderful ballet with my sister Thursday night at the Kennedy Center. Matt and I went to Artomatic in DC Friday night and got inspired by all the wonderful artists and photographers in the area.

It just stinks that I have less time and less sleep than I really would have liked my last summer before graduation. Hindsight is 20/20, but part of me wishes I just worked at the Hope Center all summer, instead.

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