Sunday, February 17, 2008

5 weeks down

The past 2 weeks have been very exhausting, so entries have been few and far between. Matt chastised me today so I send a quick update.

I was selected to be the student rep for Pfizer Animal Health which is exciting. I believe 15 people applied for the position and it is one of the more high profile student rep positions. I should get to learn a lot and meet some great industry people over the next few years.

I have had 2 tests per week the past 2 weeks. I have a pathology exam this Wednesday and 2 exams the following week. It does not let up at all. At least 1 test a week until spring break (I cannot wait!).

I am fairly certain the parasitology quiz from the other day did not go too well (TBD). With all the pesticides to memorize and flies and ticks to keep straight I believe I messed up and entire short answer question of which there were only 3 total questions. I also went to lab after that horrible quiz only to find that the printing department gave us the wrong lab. I had spent 30 minutes of lab on the wrong assignment. That same night I came home slightly regrouped (after a run) and had to cram (of which I do not do well) for the anatomy of the eye test. It was also Valentine's Day and Matt could not be here. When I got home that evening to make matters worse a can of Fanta had exploded all over the fridge.

I pose the question, why when a day goes awry does it continue to go awry?

After a weekend of some sleep , study, and fun I feel a little better, but of coursed stressed about the upcoming 2 weeks and how I will get it all done. UGh.

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