Tuesday, November 27, 2007

For good reason

This time I have lapsed because I relaxed over Thanksgiving break. I had time to clean the apartment at school and relax in Northern VA with my kitties. Heathcliff got bathed and groomed and looks so handsome (pics to come). Got to see some friends and family, cook, eat and sleep in.

Looking forward to Holiday break for more of the above.

In the meantime it's the last week of class before finals. So far so good. Completed a group immunology presentation on Type I diabetes which hopefully went well. In any case I learned a great deal about T regulatory cells, autoimmune diseases and diabetes.

I also had a fun lab demonstration in the amazing equestrian center on campus. I have decided to spend part of my summer with horses, becoming more familiar with them, and perhaps learning some riding basics.

Tomorrow I will meet with a student advisor about tracking and summer opportunities in Blacksburg. So it is all starting to come together.

I have also begun the path of getting more involved by applying for different student representative positions and possibly running for office in the companion animal club, pathology club, and maybe some others.

I am just studying and riding the wave into the beach.

1 comment:

beroot said...

The name of that Bovine species is the Oraganatangus Bovine....right?