Friday, June 13, 2008

Week 3 of NIH Research Fellowship Recap (&51st blog post)

After deciding to change my stressful perspective of this summer last weekend, this week went much smoother. By decreasing the pressure on myself to be a seasoned lab scientist in 2 weeks, I was able to learn and enjoy my work more. As for my real time PCR skills, they did in fact improve. My RNA purities were better than last week, yeah! I had time to work on my lab notebook and read many more journal articles, and review my immunology notes from school.

After 3 weeks of almost exclusive RNA work, the next few weeks have some different experiments lined up. We are going to repeat our Leptin and LPS inflammatory research with human cells now, which is an entirely different process than the mice macrophage work we had been using. I'll also learn how to do a Western Blot to measure protein expression and an arginase assay.

This upcoming week I hope to flesh out the topics for my poster. I also plan to keep my more relaxed, optimistic attitude toward lab science and I will certainly continue learning!

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