Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 2 of the PhD Program Recap

Research can be frustrating and stressful. That is this week's lesson. I conducted my first experiment on my own (with much hep from my PhD student) and of course my RNA purities were too low to run RT-PCR data. So now I have to wait until next week's macrophages are ready and try again. Apparently this happens to everyone on their first try. The problem is that the lab I am working in is getting ready to publish and the PI is very results oriented. So there is not much time for screw-ups like these. I ended the week feeling frustrated and useless; I felt like I was bringing the lab down.

After a relaxing, chill weekend with some errands, a few drinks, and some quality sleep I have a new attitude. I will try my best since everyone, including the PI, knows I am brand new. I can only do all that I can. I will not beat myself up for not getting results, and in the end everything will be fine. Perhaps I don't have a career in research or will not get published, but at least I tried something new and put my best foot forward.

My first Monday with my new attitude has gone well. The insulin tolerance testing on the new study mice went well this morning.


Shelley said...

Congrats on finishing your first year of vet school! I just found your blog today and have enjoyed reading it. I've found myself in the same situation you did. I'm currently a Financial Analyst and have just recently decided to go back and catch up on my sciences in order to apply for vet school. Best of luck on your second year! I look forward to reading about it. :)


Vet Student M said...

Hi Shelley-

Please let me know if you have any questions as it sounds like you are going down a very similar path. Where are you from? I'd love to chat or find out more about how you came to this decision!


Shelley said...

Hi Michelle -

I actually don't have any questions at the moment, but I'll let you know when I do.

A little background about me... I'm 28, married for 9 years, no kids, and live in Oklahoma. It took me about 7 years to get my bachelor's degree mostly because I worked full-time and went to school part time, but I also changed majors a couple times. I've been volunteering once or twice a week at a vet's office for the last 4 years.

I started volunteering when I first got serious about being a vet. I went back and forth for a long time and then decided that I would just finish my Finance degree and I could volunteer there as much as I wanted.

After being in the corporate world for a while I've finally decided that what I'm doing now is not what I want to be doing for the next 30 years and that 6 more years of school is not that long for something that I really have a passion for.

I'm enrolled for the fall sememster and will be done with my sciences within 2 years. I'll be applying to Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine to start in 2010...hopefully I'll get in the first time, but if not I'll be persistant.

Thanks for your response! I'd love to chat and keep in touch as well.


Vet Student M said...

I must say our paths are very similar. I was out 6 years when I started vet school. I completely agree about not wanting the corporate world for the next 30-40 years, that was my motivation as well. It will be worth it, I hope!

I am glad you have resolved to be persistent to get in, so many great vets do not get in their first time applying. My best advice is try to get as diverse animal experience as possible to help set you apart and do as well as you can with those pre-req's!

Good luck and keep reading.