Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Last Day of Class

While the past few weeks since spring break have been dragging along, it is hard to believe that today was the last official day of classes. While studying worms and protozoa for 5+ hours last night I had the realization, amidst boredom, that one week from last night I would be studying for my last exam of first year.

The funny thing about that is right now I don't exactly believe that it will actually be over. That for a few months my life will be my own. It does not seem possible that first year will be complete in less than 1 week.

While I hope its true, I feel there must be a catch. But to make the time go faster I will stop wondering how this could be ending and get to staudying some tapeworms.

And beware of gumball machines, they may contain pin worms. Pinworms are NEVER carried by or transmitted to humans by dogs and cats. DOGS and Cats DO NOT get pinworms!

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