Friday, May 16, 2008

1 week out

It's hard to believe that over a week ago I finished my first year of vet school. I think I have caught up on sleep, cleaned up the house, and restarted my fitness program, all of which feels great. In fact, I could go for another week of lounging around. Unfortunately, my summer research position starts this Sunday night on my birthday May 18. :( Sunday night is a kickoff dinner and the itinerary for the week will be announced. Monday and Tuesday are spent visiting with veterinarians with alternative careers in research at the FDA, NIH, and academia. Tuesday afternoon/evening I head back to VT.

The apartment in Blacksburg also needs a good cleaning and organizational renewal. I suppose it's handy that I like to clean when I am upset or bored.

So my quality time with the house, cats and Matt is coming to an end. My 11 days off flew right past me. At least it will end with a birthday BBQ tomorrow night (please don't rain) and spending the day with Matt on our bikes (again, please don't rain).

Poor Garfield is still straining to pee, so I think I'll have to take him back with me when I go to my vet tech shift at the Hope Center tonight.

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