Sunday, October 26, 2008

October will be over soon

I was completely wrong about the downhill slide, mentioned in the previous post. However, this week will be one of the toughest, but then it eases up until after Thanksgiving break (really, at least no more major exams). And the week ends with a great Halloween party. So it's work hard and play hard for one more week.

Last weekend Matt and I did enjoy the beautiful weather and hiked up to Angel's Rest in Parisburg, VA. The view was amazing and the hike very vertically challenging.

My outlook on school is the same, but this week I have my first ever oral exam. For our clinical techniques course we can be asked to demonstrate pretty much anything under a time constraint. The best thing to do would be to go in confidently, but my confidence isn't sure I can memorize all the different types of needles ad procedures by Tuesday. We also have a Small Animal Nutrition midterm Wednesday, then part 2 of the clinical techniques exam Thursday. Of course Friday ends with a pharmacology quiz.

Everyone is tired. I remember being mentally exhausted last year with only a few weeks to go until break, and wondering how I would muster the energy to make it through. I wonder the same thing again this year.

I hope this week goes by quickly and successfully, which will make the Friday celebration that much better. I have not dressed up for Halloween since college, but this year I decided it's about time. The vet school is hosting a joint party with the medical school, so it should make for a good time.

Details on my costume to follow...

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