Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Could this be the hardest semester of them all?

After 3 semesters under my belt, I was feeling a little more confident that I knew how to study and that I could get through it. Right about this time in the semester, I start to look ahead at all of the exams I will have to take and pass, and I get overwhelmed. It may be irrational, but this time feels different. Clinical pathology is a 3 credit, but really 5 credit class with daily homework assignments. While it is my favorite class so far, it will get ugly once the exams start coming in bunches next week. We have an average of 2 per week the entire semester, with some lovely 3 exam weeks sandwiched in there. More exams means that they count less, but I don't see how it will be possible to continue staying on top of all these subjects, that they keep warning us not to fall behind. It does appear that falling behind is a horrible idea this semester, since all the material builds on itself. In addition, more than ever it's about applying ideas to cases versus memorization/regurgitation. While I hate memorizing, it is more of a safe place right now.

Anyway, in the life of a vet student intimidation is common. We all must work past the intimidation. So far I have done all I can and it's been more than adequate, so I must believe that it will be enough again this time through.

The longing for spring break has already begun!


Boiler Cowgirl said...

I've been reading some of your posts for awhile and I just wanted to know what inspiration you have been for me. I've always wanted to be a veterinarian since the age of 4, and now I am a sophomore in pre-vet med. I really enjoy reading your posts and hope you have a successful semester!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I too feel the fear of this semester already! Please take a few minutes and look at my blog. I'm pre vet and I'd love ay sage advice you could impart to me! Also, could you please add me to your links list>

Vet Student M said...

Thank you guys so much for reading and following, you have no idea how great it is to hear your interest and support!

Matt- i love your blog and have added it to my page! Thanks.

Good luck to you both and if there is anything I can do to help let me know. Otherwise keep following, the saga is only half over.